What Is The Power Of Giving? 3 Meaningful Effects You Can Experience Today

You have probably heard the expression that as much as you give, life will give you back even more. They say that every time you give something to people in need, the reward is that you become a better person.

So, what is the power of giving, and can we define it?

The power of giving is the awakening of emotions and feelings both in the giver and the recipient. This power is reciprocal because it makes the giver and the receiver happy and increases joy. Giving takes courage and leads the giver to extend his life to new horizons.  

The Power of Giving

In this article, I will elaborate on the power of giving as a source of positive feelings and emotions and the rewarding benefit that results from it.

I will also discuss the effects of giving on emotional and physical health and how it can affect you.

The power of giving is considered the ultimate source for expanding the emotional state and well-being to greater extents. 

What Effect Does Giving Have On The Receiver?

Giving has a potent effect on the receiver for many reasons.

First, it builds up and enhances the relationship, thus making a solid bond between the giver and receiver.

Secondly, it creates strong emotions and feelings, making the receiver feel happy and appreciated.

And if the receiver also feels humbled and grateful, then the hope is that they received the gift without feeling needy or guilty but instead as an act of love towards them.

The receiver should not feel inadequate after receiving, and there are no thoughts such as “This is too good for me.” or “I do not deserve this.

The intention is that the receiver does not feel pressured to give back since the power of giving is not in “exchanging gifts” but in feelings.

In addition, hopefully, the receiver allows themselves to think about what the gift means — for example, by someone’s blessing, the receiver gets to think about the meaning of friendship, love, affection, kindness, etc.

The Power of Giving Receiver

What Effect Does Giving Have On Those Who Witness It? 

This act of kindness tends to touch those who witness the act of giving. And the exchange between the giver and the receiver can influence more of these acts.

When people see how giving affects the physical and mental health of both the giver and the receiver, they get the motivation to give to others too.

This leads to people experiencing new things and expanding their possibilities to a greater extent.

And people who witness these actions want to achieve the same feelings by trying the same thing.

By giving, you see clearly how your actions can bring happiness to you and the other person at a different level.

The Power of Giving Watcher

How Does Giving Help You? 

Emotional Health

The power of giving has an extraordinary effect on your emotional health.

It enhances your positive feelings, and you feel happiness on a spiritual level.

It is commonly known that everything comes from within, i.e., from the depth of your soul. Therefore, if you are fulfilled with positive energy, you aim toward a better quality of life.

Filling yourself with positivity by helping others is a selfless act. It requires a lot of capability and courage to do those kinds of deeds.

This behavior will help you achieve more vital mental and emotional health.

Physical Health

Mental and physical health usually go together because that is how the body’s systems work. Therefore, if you are mentally healthy and stable, the chances of your physical health being good are highly expected.

If giving to others makes you feel joyful, this will reflect in your physical health. You will feel more energetic and motivated to give as much as possible.

Also, good mental health influences trying new things and being more active in various ways.

Giving has the power to make your emotions match your mental abilities!

Your Questions, My Answers

My Final Thoughts

Giving is a life-changing investment with immediate and long-term benefits that split and multiply in three ways:

  1. You touch the lives of others by helping them.
  2. You motivate those who witness your acts of generosity
  3. You make yourself a better person that continues to grow each day spiritually

Scribble Of The Day: Giving Quote

Scribble of the Day Giving Quote 600 x 900

Do you believe in the power of giving? Tell me more in the comments below!

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